Rwenzori Mountaineering Services

Here at Rwenzori Mountaineering Services our mission is to “provide quality tourism services and facilities on Mount Rwenzori to effectively improve the livelihood of the community living near and around the Rwenzori Mountains”. RMS is an non-profit, community-based organization that was founded in 1987 and to date has 1700 members. Our culture and traditions are attached to the mountains for our livelihood, so cultural conservation is an key trait of our operations.  

We provide skilled mountain tourism guides, cooks and escorts to accompany tourists who wish to summit any of the Rwenzori peaks. Our most unique tourism offering is guiding clients to the highest point on Ugandan soil, Margherita Peak at 5109m above sea level.

Although we are famous for our mountain services we also offer additional products featuring an array of Ugandan national parks as well as volunteer tourism opportunities.

Activities Offered

  • Ice / Snow and Rock climbing
  • Guided nature trails
  • Path finder – guide

Responsible Travel

  • We take multiple measures to support ecosystems and conservation, including regular cleaning of the mountain tourist camps, emptying the eco-san toilets and working with guests to bring down waste from the mountain.  
  • We sensitize the local community on the value of conservation and tourism on the Rwenzoris through member’s general meetings, community conservation outreach, community–public meetings and workshops for guides and cooks.
  • We provide tree seedlings to every RMS member at all general meetings
  • We orient students who come to the Rwenzoris on their field studies / excursions.
  • We are also establishing a herbal medicinal garden at our head office for study / research tourism and aesthetic values and benefits.
  • We encourage visitors to counteract their carbon emission  by planting a tree before they climb the mountains.
  • We ensure that we use gas and charcoal fuel so as not to destroy the mountains ecosystems.
  • RMS houses the Catholic Women Group’s handcraft shop and we encourage our visitors to purchase gifts. The group benefits heavily from the income generated from these sales.  
  • RMS also mobilizes community women and encourages them to make craft to be sold to visitors. A free space / shelve at RMS head offices is provided to them. This way they have a new channel to distribute their good. 
  • RMS aid schools with funds to construct roofs and class rooms or give out bags of cement.  Also we run an education loan program to help students obtain higher education.  
  • RMS offers her vehicles to the community in cases of emergencies.
  • RMS operates a health centre which helps the community with health services at subsidized rates. The health unit sensitizes the community on family planning, reproductive health, child health care, out reaches and immunization.
  • RMS aids the community through the improvement of social amenities, e.g. roads, schools, health centers, and churches.
  • The organization has its own dance and drama, soccer team and community conservation personnel, all of whom are picked for the community to enhance their economic advancement, socio-cultural livelihood and quality of life.
  • All of our 70 guides and lodge staff are recruited from the local community.

Available Vehicles

  • Omin buses – Delica 2 vehicle 5 PAX
  • Omin bus – long – 1 vehicle 8 PAX
  • Pajero Mitsubishi 1 vehicle 3 PAX

Pearls Supported


Kasese office +256 483 444 936+256 483 444 936 
Kampala office +256 414 237 497+256 414 237 497
Contact us for more information about Pearls of Uganda
